This blog started out with a clear focus on parks, gardens and green places.   I soon branched out into taking photos of street trees and from there to other details of the local street scene that caught my eye.


The buildings of central Paris show extraordinary layers of history.  I’ve been discovering stories in stone, in the elaborate carvings on medieval churches but also in patched and modified, ordinary walls.


Doors and gates can offer fascinating glimpses of history, even when they’re closed.  Through Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge, I’ve been sharing posts of Paris doors with people in many countries who share an enthusiasm for interesting details in the street.


Of course, cities are for people and it’s the human and ephemeral details that bring the street to life.  I’m more at ease taking pictures of plants or buildings but this blog would be a dull narrative of city life if I never showed the human side of the street scene.


And finally, remembering; six posts written with a heavy heart.